How a loving Father is Working to Bring Change to the Family Court System.
Do you see the beautiful little girls in the picture? Neither does their father.
My name is Dan Brewington and I have put this website together to help bring awareness to the problems with the family court system. On August 18, 2009, I lost all parenting time with my 3 and 5 year old daughters without warning. Prior to August 18, 2009, my children had not been away from either parent for more than four days. There were no allegations of abuse, drug or alcohol abuse, adultery, or neglect. There were no police reports nor any involvement by social services. During a 2.5 year divorce, my Ex never tried to modify parenting time or took any measures to limit my time with the children. I challenged a court expert and was punished for it. Dr. Edward J Connor Psy D had been serving as a forensic “expert” for Indiana courts in both civil and criminal cases without being licensed by the state of Indiana. I challenged how an unlicensed psychologist could submit a child custody evaluation report that, as Dr. Connor stated, contained “numerous errors and oversights.” I challenged Dr. Connor for giving me conflicting excuses as to why he would not honor his contract and state law and provide me with the case file from the evaluation. I have been accused of being harassing, intimidating, and potentially dangerous but no one has filed for any restraining orders, filed any charges, contacted social services, or taken any other action people would take to protect themselves from a truly “dangerous” person. In the August 18, 2009 Final Decree, Judge James D Humphrey wrote, “Because of the potential danger to the children, Husband must remove all postings created by him from the internet concerning the children before any unsupervised visitation may commence and or/continue.” If any of my internet content was “dangerous” to the children, Judge Humphrey could have ordered me to take it down. Judge Humphrey waited over two and a half months after the final hearing to terminate my parenting time. I think Judge Humphrey was more concerned about the danger my web content presented to his career and Dr. Edward J Connor. I want to share my story to help prevent this kind of thing from happening to other children.